Our Walk Behind Field & Brush Mower
is a brush-mulching beast
Our Field Mower is a brush hog. It will devour tall grass, weeds, brambles, and even small saplings. It’s track drive gives you sure footing, no more slipping tires.
It has thirty-eight flail blades that chew up and mulch the brush, giving you an all-in-one brush mower and mulching machine. The easy to use blade height adjustment allows you to cut your area between 2″ and 4″ high.
Unlike a rotary mower which only cuts the bottom of the high weeds (and often leave them standing), our flail blades rotate in an “up-cut” motion,
thereby catching the whole plant at once. It will pull the material down and in, cutting it down while mulching it.
It’s much safer than a rotary mower. If the flail blades hit rocks or stumps, the flails pivot and release shock, rather than jumping around or stopping cold like a rotary mower would do.
Unlike a rotary mower which can send rocks and debris flying in all directions, our brush mower pulls the material towards the ground and the steel flap guards help keep he debris inside the deck.
Click Here for Walk-behind Field Mower and Brush Mower
rental prices and availability
Engine: 8.4 hp Honda (gas)
Fuel Tank Capacity: 1.4 gal.
Cutting Width: 25.6 in.
Cutting height: 2 – 4 in. (variable)
Cutting System: 38 Vertical Flail Blades
Transmission: 0.6 mph, 1.2 mph, 2.1 mph and 0.6 mph (reverse)
Our Ride-on Field & Brush Mower Rental
is a awesome for fields and large areas
Our Ride-on Flail mower attachment is a drum-type cutter, intended for cutting of long grass, scrub, bush and similar vegetation. It will cut woody material up to 1/2″ thick.
Our Flail mower is the optimal cutting device for places where you need a lot of cutting power and a rougher cut will do. The most common applications for flail mower are places with taller vegetation like meadows, road banks, yard areas, etc.
It fits on our our medium and large articulated loaders, which makes your job so much safer and easier thanks to the enclosed cab which provides great visibility, AC/Heat, air ride seat and even an AM/FM radio!
It is
Click Here for Ride-on Field Mower and Brush Mower
rental prices and availability
This video shows a smaller flail mower than the one we rent but it gives you a good idea of the functionality of the mower
Cutting Width – 53″
Overall Width – 69″
Weight – 575 lbs
Optimal Hydraulic Flow – 12 gal/min